Tax Rates
Tax Authority
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
Tax year
1 January – 31 December
The accounting period ending other than 31 December is acceptable. Profits arising in an accounting period ending other than 31 December are not apportioned.
Income tax rates - from YA 2017 to YA 2024
Corporate tax rate: 17%
Taxable income (S$) | Tax |
0-20,000 | Nil |
20000-30,000 | 2% on excess over S$20,000 |
30,000–40,000 | S$200 + 3.5% on excess over S$30,000 |
40,000–80,000 | S$550 + 7% on excess over S$40,000 |
80,000–120,000 | S$3,350 + 11.5% on excess over S$80,000 |
120,000–160,000 | S$7,950 + 15% on excess over S$120,000 |
160,000–200,000 | S$13,950 + 18% on excess over S$160,000 |
200,000–240,000 | S$21,150 + 19% on excess over S$200,000 |
240,000–280,000 | S$28,750 + 19.5% on excess over S$240,000 |
280,000–320,000 | S$36,550 + 20% on excess over S$280,000 |
Over 320,000 | S$44,550 + 22% on excess over S$320,000 |
Resident Individuals
Non-resident individuals: 22% flat rate; employment income at the higher of 15% or the resident rate.
GST at a rate of 9% is levied on most goods and services.
Trading losses may be offset against all income received in the same accounting period or carried forward indefinitely and offset against future trading profits, subject to the satisfaction of a substantial shareholding test. Losses up to S$100,000 incurred in a current year may be carried back one year.
Treaty network
79 treaties in effect
Withholding tax (non-residents)
Dividends | Nil |
Interest | 15% |
Royalties | 10% |
Group consolidation
The losses and unutilized capital allowances of one company may be utilised for tax purposes by another company in the same group. For group relief purposes, a group refers to a Singapore incorporated parent, and all its Singapore incorporated subsidiaries.
CFC rules
Thin capitalisation restrictions
Singapore dollar - S$
Exchange controls